The expand Blog

April / May Newsletter

It’s been a busy spring for us at Expand, with lots of travel, including a memorable trip to Dubai. Despite encoutering some unexpected weather challenges, the reception to our API was remarkable, reaffirming the necessity for reliable API infrastructure for scaling in Web3 and DeFi...

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March Newsletter

At Expand.Network, we stand at the forefront of evolution, championing accessibility and connectivity in decentralized finance (DeFi) not just as ideals, but as tangible realities...

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February Newsletter

A recurring theme in my recent discussions has been the challenges DeFi users face when their trading infrastructure includes smart contracts. While smart contracts are a powerful technology and offer unique capabilities, they are still in their infancy and come with tradeoffs and risks that should be seriously considered...

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January Newsletter

In our latest newsletter issue, we are excited to share the recent article by Demetrios Skalkotos, CEO & Co-Founder of, published on Hackernoon...

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December Newsletter

As we emerge from our stealth phase with exciting progress and enhanced offerings, I’m excited to welcome you to the inaugural edition of’s newsletter...

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